Do you find yourself at time frustrated with the way of the world, feeling like nothing will change? Starving Childred...AID's/HIV...Uneducated...Where do we start? I can tell you this, the world started to change for the better on March 1, 1961 when John F. Kennedy signed into legislation the means to start the Peace Corp and from February 25th to March 3rd we celebrate Peace Corp Week.
Today the Peace Corp is ever present in 74 countries and has had more than 190,000 Peace Corp Volunteers. The Peace Corp works with the countries government, people, various resources ranging in areas from health (I.e. AID's prevention and treatment) to agriculture (I.e. given resources for women in developing countries the means to have a herd of their own thereby providing for their families) and everything in between.
To summarize what the Peace Corp stands for is best understand by reading their mission:
- Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.
- Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.
- Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.
The momentous occasion started at the University of Michigan when JFK for the first time mention the ambitions of the newly founded Peace Corp. He believed this was the "most important campaign since 1933." (Speech at University of Michigan by Senator JFK 3-1-61.)
Peace Corp Volunteers (PCV's) accept the challenge to serve in a country needing assistance they can provide through either their degree and/or their professional experiences. PCV's receive three months of training and then are sent to "post" where they remain for two years providing alternative means for people to find ways to get out of fast or famine. Of course, I'm making this sound as more of a teaching lesson for the village where you may be located, however this is far from the a PCV YOU learn a tremendous amount. You may see what hospitality truly is, what family really means, and how little importance your possessions really are. What you take away with you is worth more than all the gold in the world! And then, hopefully, your "mission" doesn't just end when you return to the share what YOU'VE learned with others.
What the Peace Corp offers and what the opportunity provides for you is truly priceless.
"...this is the longest short speech I've ever made...therefore, I'll finish it! Let me say in conclusion, this University is not maintained by its alumni, or by the state, merely to help its graduates have an economic advantage in the life struggle. There is certainly a greater purpose, and I'm sure you recognize it. Therefore, I do not apologize for asking for your support in this campaign. I come here tonight asking your support for this country over the next decade. Thank you." (Speech at University of Michigan by Senator JFK 3-1-61.)