Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Blessing in Disguise...

Over the last few months, my blog title "Live. Learn. Laugh. Love" has held true for me. As it seems like I've condensed all of those in a very short amount of time from the death of my grandmother, to the change of my Peace Corp goals, to the decision to return to school.

If you've been checking back periodically to see if I've made another post, I'm sorry. These last few months, at best, have been incredibly trying and essentially Grandmother, after less than three weeks of receiving a diagnoses, died of esophageal cancer. My Mom, Brother, and myself spent the last two weeks of her life caring for her with the assistance of Hospice (a wonderful organization). As strange as it may sound, it hasn't fully kicked in. When we found out she had cancer I told myself it would hit me when she came home...when she came home I said it would register with me when Hospice came out...then the shock will end we I see her at the funeral home...then it was when I return home and she's not there. I cant think of another instance of when I should say "My Grandma died of esophageal cancer" and actually 150% believe it. I cry...there are times I'm obviously sad, but I haven't fully accepted it. Maybe it will hit me when she's not here for Christmas...

So, I didn't make it into the Peace Corp. After speaking to someone in Washington DC, the reason was explained simply there isn't a program open for me. I can only fit into Agriculture and they are focusing on nurses and teachers. At the time, I felt crushed...disappointed. But it was one of those situations where I say "Thank God I hadn't gone!" And it doesn't mean I cant participate in the future.

In the meantime I'm returning to school. I start back at the end of this month to pursue a bachelor's degree in Veterinary Technology; one step closer to my final professional student career as a Veterinarian (formally anyway). I'm excited! I'm also a Animal Health Technician with the National Animal Health Emergency Response Corp (NAHERC) which has opened up some additional training opportunities as well. And I'm currently participating in a citizens police course in my area; nine weeks in duration and ends with a graduation ceremony and certificate.

Thank you for your interest in my blog. Although my original purpose was to blog as a Peace Corp Volunteer, I will use it to document my progress as a Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) utilizing every opportunity to better myself professionally and personally. I hope you enjoy my journey...

Take care and God bless...

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