Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Process has Begun

The Process has, via the Peace Corp website, I submitted my application to become a Peace Corp Volunteer (PCV). If you've followed my blog from the beginning you've read about my Peace Corp experience, for those that hasn't I'll briefly recap. I was in the Peace Corp last year and had to return due to a knee injury. I had knee surgery last August. Thursday, March 27th, my orthopaedic surgeon medically released me.

I started the application on Thursday night and finished it about 15 minutes ago. If I would have sat straight through, the application could have been completed and submitted in about four or five hours.

Before you start the actual application, you complete a mini version that takes roughly 10 minutes. It simply establishes your age (must be at least 18), your education (preferably a bachelors degree but will accept someone with an associates and experience), and your citizenship (must be a US citizen by the time you apply).

The full blown application, the one that has taken me two days to complete, covers personal information, employment history, degree information, extra curricular/volunteer information, two essay questions, debit information (such as student loans), and three people you can use for references. The second part of the application is your health status. There is roughly 90 questions and covers every body system from the nervous system to reproductive system and everything in between. If you decide to to apply to the Peace Corp let me give you some words of not splurge on any information your providing! If your overseas and you redevelop a condition you've had in the past and your sent home, the insurance and/or workers compensation will not cover the medical cost. Period.

Although the application process may seem long and tedious, it protects you, the Peace Corp, and the village you could be working in. You want to make sure you are physically capable of handling the projects you have before you. And, God forbid, something did happened that required medical treatment you want to know you will be covered. In the Peace Cops perspective, what you do reflects on them and their capabilities. They wouldn't want to send an individual to a site, or post, that cannot fulfil their obligations Not to mention, the Peace Corp wouldn't want to take the chance of causing illness or injury to one of their PCV's. And of course with your post, or a village, your going into the Peace Corp to help others. If you cannot fulfil your obligations you could be affecting your villages food source, for example.

So, I finished the application and submitted it. In the next three to four weeks a recruiter will be contacting me and set up for an interview. In the meantime, I need to send the paperwork to those I listed as my references and submit a form regarding my student loans that certifies I can have it deferred for the length of my time in the Peace Corp.

The process has begun. I can hardly contain my excitement! I hope documenting the process will encourage those considering joining the Peace Corp and peak interest to those looking to contribute globally.

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